mercredi 4 février 2015

More moving woes (scammed by movers?)

My rotten bit of luck that after landlord issues, I run into problems with the moving company.:mad0260:

After some shopping around, I contracted with Atlas to move my things to CA. The estimate was for 2300lbs of stuff. We packed everything into boxes ourselves and weighed each on a bathroom scale. Weights for larger pieces of IKEA furniture were taken from the online catalog. The grand total: 2368 lbs.

Today, I'm told that delivery is the next day and the final weight was 2880lbs, or 512lbs over our measured weight! I immediately fired back at Atlas and asked for a reweigh and that is what's going to happen tomorrow.

Per Atlas procedure, I will be meeting the truck at a weigh station to get the loaded weight, then follow it back home to unload, then follow it again to the weigh station to get the unloaded weight.

I'm struggling to see how my shipment can grow 500+lbs, so I wanted to see if I'm getting scammed.

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