lundi 11 mai 2015

Buying vs leasing?

Would it make sense to buy an ///M235i vs lease for 3 years?

How much would a 2015 ///M235i , msrp $47500 be worth after 36 months ?

30,000 miles = 62% = $29450 residual.

$43,000 sale price
$1500 cap cost reduction
1.9% @ 60 months
7% sales tax
$400 misc fees

= $785 month for 60 months

After 36 months:

Paid $785 x 36 months $28200
Plus down payment $1500

Invested after 3 years $29700.

car worth $29450 after 3 years.
Invested $29700 after 3 years.

3 years payments + down $1500 = $29700

24 more months to payoff car = $785x24= $18840

So if paid 29700 + 18840 = 48540 invested...

48540 invested ....
29450 residual .....

$19090 Cost to use car 3 years

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