dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Indy Shops In The Orlando Area

I am looking for a good independent shop that works on BMW's in the Orlando area. I used ORR AUTOSPORT and EUROTECH back in MN where I came from which were both excellent shops. So far down there I used a small shop across from the South Orlando dealership which I didn't like that much. The area sucked and the place itself was hard to find. The price was fair I thought but the owner/tech took quite a while to do the oil service on a 2014 X3. I was doing some generic searches and found four possible places to try out. They are BIMMERTECH INC, EUROTECH GERMAN CAR SERVICE, PRECISION SPORT INDUSTRIES, and GERMAN EXCELLENCE. I am looking for a place that knows what they are doing with older and brand new BMW's, charge a fair price for the work, located in a decent area that doesn't make me think I should have brought my rifle along and a reasonably decent facility that doesn't look like someone working out of their home garage. I would be mostly having maintanence work done on the vehicles and perhaps some minor performance work in the future. Anyone have experience with any of the four shops listed above? Thanks.

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