vendredi 30 janvier 2015

What did you forget today?

My age-addled brain is having a harder and harder time keeping up. We headed out to Chicago today for a conference for Wifey. And hour into the trip I realized I forgot my tripod. I had planned on some architectural shots with my tilt shift and some long exposure shots with my Lee filter. No such luck now. Then I went to take my BP meds tonight and realized I forgot to bring them. Now I'm going to feel like crap for four days. I even forgot to bring the mouse for my laptop, so now I'm stuck using this pathetic trackpad.:sigh:


On top of that Chicago is going to get slammed with a nasty storm on Sunday. Guess I'll be inside all day watching pre-Super Bowl crap and then the big game. Hope it's all cleared out by the time we head home on Monday.

Gawd, I hate getting old. Although it does beat the alternative.

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