samedi 31 mai 2014

2014 335i lease deal..

Hi all,

Long time lurker and am ready to pull the trigger on a 335 sometime today. I received this offer yesterday night, can the experts look over my deal?

This car will be registered in GA (ad valorem tax is rolled in).

335i 36m/12k

MSRP: $54,950.00

Sell Price: $49,500.00

MF: .0013

Residual: .62

Doc Fee: $599.00

Acq Fee: $925.00 (marked up from $725.00)

License: $20.00

Due at signing: $1,359.63

Monthly pmt: $664.24 (w/o tax)

Is there any part of this offer I can negotiate or bring them down on?

Many thanks!

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